weirdCTF3 crypto 100 (RSA encryption)
by Brahimi Zakaria
After downloading the compressed file (here) and having it extracted, we find two files named : 'public.key' (which contain the public key of the rsa keypair) and 'flag.crypted' (which contain the flag encrypted).
The task is clear, we have to recover the private key to get the flag.
Let's begin with exploring informations within the public key with openssl like this :
Input :
openssl rsa -noout -text -inform PEM -in public.key -pubin
Output :
openssl rsa -noout -text -inform PEM -in public.key -pubin
Modulus (565 bit):
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
It's an RSA public key with a non common size of 565 bits.
The public key only contains the modulus N and the exponent e. N could be factorized into 2 prime numbers p and q, so N = p x q.
Based on those 2 numbers we will be able to generate the private key.
As the modulus above is in a hexadecimal form, we have to convert it to a decimal form like this :
Input :
python -c "print int('12fbb217ccd5a2a98c7367777a1de937c77d7387651e2084b38f4ef93ec4968e1bbe9bb230234505337e79fcfdb778377d7ac0073747f2275bf9c4de0356dedfbe8379be14c675', 16)"
Output :
The modulus is made of 565 bits. Thus it couldn't be factorised easily.
Another possibility is fermat's factorisation.
By running a script ( which implement the Fermat's factorisation against this large prime number, we could spits out the two primes immediately.
Input :
Output :
p : = 8464149782874043593254414191179506861158311266932799636000173971661904149225893113387
q : = 8464149782874043593254414191179506861158311266932799636000173971661904149225893113311
Now we could regenerate the private key using another script called like this :
Input :
python -p 8464149782874043593254414191179506861158311266932799636000173971661904149225893113387 -q 8464149782874043593254414191179506861158311266932799636000173971661904149225893113311 -o private.pem
Output :
n = 12fbb217ccd5a2a98c7367777a1de937c77d7387651e2084b38f4ef93ec4968e1bbe9bb230234505337e79fcfdb778377d7ac0073747f2275bf9c4de0356dedfbe8379be14c675
e = 65537 (0x10001)
d = fdc0a8949cf7e4b8a94ebef6cadcaa7985a1e081319dd6f2098ed10dd38ded3b12848e2890cc75db5c9ed94e0b3f570bfdce9ef781e3db2e7d99069e78fe6425ec168752d64ed
p = 45b62603351c22f7148bcaa5cf013ad3c05dfcc054a146945d907c24d0f7053a461ae2b
q = 45b62603351c22f7148bcaa5cf013ad3c05dfcc054a146945d907c24d0f7053a461addf
Saving PEM as private.pem
We can now decrypt the base64 encoded cipher within the file 'flag.crypted' and decipher the content with the private key we had generated :
Input :
cat flag.crypted | base64 -d > flag
openssl rsautl -decrypt -in flag -inkey private.pem
Output :
That's it.
هنا سهلة الحالة المشكل عندما لا يكون لديك المفتاح العام فلحد الساعة لا توجد طريقة لكسر التشفيرة .
RépondreSupprimerThe public key should never be hidden, the problem is in the number N whether if it is easily factorise into
RépondreSupprimertwo prime numbers or not, that's it Mr.Brahimi ZAKARIA?
Exactly !
SupprimerThe modulus N should have at least 2048 bits currently according to notice given by the NSA.